and nothing over an 18, so we both decided to look at the guidelines of both to find which one best suited our film.
The guidelines on the website:
• Must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour
• No sadistic or sexualised horror
• Should not dwell on detail of dangerous behaviour or easily accessible weapons
• No aggressive or repetitive use of the strongest language
• No strong detail on nudity or sexual activity• No dwell on the infliction of pain or injury – violence may be strong but should not dwell on detail

We think that the rating that is best for our film is 15 because it would suit our primary audience well, and attract a younger audience that we want – 15 to 25 years. Our film also fits the guidelines, and isn’t as extreme as what would be permitted for an 18 film, so there was no need for that rating. Our film is not going to include any drug misuse, sexualised horror, discriminatory behaviour, aggressive/repetitive use of strong language, or nudity/sexual activity. When filming, we are also going to make sure we don’t dwell on detail of dangerous behaviour or the weapons we will use, and not show detail of the infliction of pain or injury when showing the violence.
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