- Health and safety. We had to make sure when we were using the knives and sharp objects we needed to make sure that we don't harm anyone or ourselves. We had to do a few retakes were things went wrong or unexpected noise was heard as well.
- The weather. As we did once scene outside of the house in a establishing shot we had to make sure it was dry to do this as we had to protect the camera and the equipment as well.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Filming Day #2
This is the second day of filming that we had done. This was set in my house. We shot Scene 1 Shot 1, Scene 3 Shot 1 and 2, Scene 4 Shot 1, and Scene 5 Shot 2,3 and 4. We had filmed with our main character Connor Willis and Kiran Saghir. We needed a lot of equipment for these scenes and a lot of space and quiet so we took advantage of the fact everyone was out of the house all day. We used the Kitchen, Living Room, Outside front door and across the road. We had to use screwdrivers, Knife sharpener, hammer and other sharp equipment. As we were moving inside to outside we used the manual white balance focus to make sure that we got the right lighting at the right time. Below are the main issues we had when filming.
Filming Day #1
Saturday 12th Me and Emma gower started filming out opening for out media film of Necrophobia. The Location we set it in first was Kiran's garden which we then made a bonfire which our actor (connor Willis) had to rip up paper and set alight. The following points are what we had to consider when filming these scenes.
- Health and safety was a big issue with this as we had a bonfire and fire around us. We had to make sure that no one was hurt or in danger when filming this. We previously made a risk assessment which i have blogged which we have taken this bonfire into account to.
- The Weather was a issue we had as well. If it rained we would have had to delay the shoot as it would have got the camera wet and the scenes were outside with fire which would have gone out with the rain. This didn't happen so we went along as planned
- Our storyboard and Call list. We had to keep these close to hand so we knew what we were shooting and weren't delaying anything. We also had to have the right actors with us and a safe place for them to be when we weren't filming.
Cast of our film
Below are all the pictures of our cast. The pictures are to give a good understanding of what each character is supposed to be like and to give you and idea of how we are going to film and what its going to be about. As some of our cast are also media students we had to make sure we fit the filming around their filming as well.
This is our main Character Connor Willis - http://thatone-conorwastleyasmedia.blogspot.com/- Being tall he is best suitable for out character with his build as well. We asked him to be a role and he accepted straight away. We have known him through school and we knew he would be a cooperative person to work with.
This is our main Character Connor Willis - http://thatone-conorwastleyasmedia.blogspot.com/- Being tall he is best suitable for out character with his build as well. We asked him to be a role and he accepted straight away. We have known him through school and we knew he would be a cooperative person to work with.
We have many victims in out film but we thought there is one particular victim that has a bigger part. She does have some dialogue which the others don't. She is a teenager victim. She is a close friend Kiran Saghir. We also used her back garden as a location for our bonfire scenes.
Further on in our filming we have more victims in our film. These are the 3 typical teenagers that we are using. They are all close friends and they are all fellow media students. They need to look like average teenagers and dressed casual as everyday they would. We knew that they would be committed and very flexible with their filming as well as us.
Action Plan 6
This Week we will be
- Continue filming out scenes
- Upload our cast and pictures from our first shoot
- To look at sound effects and Music
- Create an animatic for our storyboard and start designing our logo and institution
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Camera Techniques Workshop
In our media lesson today we had a camera technique workshop talking about the white balance and the focus of the camera. As we are going to use in camera editing we have to use the manual white balance options and manual focussing. below are all the things that we learnt in todays lesson.
- How to adjust the white balance options. This is wether we are filming inside and out and makes the picture more blue or orange depending on where we are filming.
- To make sure that we keep it on manual focussing as when the subject moves it will out focus and then affect our scene.
- To make sure that we make a Call list for all the actors directors and numbers of the places that we are filming in.
- We made a shooting checklist. This is all the things that we need when we are shooting and to make our film shoot successful.
- We made a production diary. This is a long diary of all the weeks that have become the project from week 1 to 11. Each week has a purpose and what we will be doing on that day is written down so that we are all organized.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Me and Emma gower have been searching different music that we are going to use in the opening on Youtube.com. Below is an example of us discussing our music ideas. We have overall we have 6 different songs that we have chosen and then will finally choose one and ask the video owners permission to use the music in our film. They all fit into the genre very well with the horror/thriller theme in them. We have both indivdually chosen some songs and then put them together to choose the best. Below are the options for music and the discussion of the videos:
The Pictures below are all the props that we are going to use in the opening of our film. They each have a part with the main character and help you figure out his existsance and why he is doing this. The props make up the opening and The letters are used to show the audience that he has mental issues. They tell the audience that he is ignoring letters and that he is not accepting that he has issues. By burning them it shows that he dosent want anyone to know and that this helps him later on in the plot. The Knives, shovels, forks and screwdrivers all take into the gory part of the film and the opening will not show him actually usuing these but just holding them. This is for the audiences imagination to come in as they see the victims injured. The health and safety comes into the risk assessment that i did earlier on that this will put no actors or any directors at any harm. The other objects are just objects found around the household that the audeince will recognise. Also below are the two letters that we are going to use at the beginning of our film when he rips then up and chucks them into the fire. They are fake letters from the doctors and hospital about his mental health issues which shows the audience that he has mental issues right at the start.
This is the knife sharpener that we will use in one of the first scenes.
We are going to start filming this Saturday 12th of November, and we have planned a costume for the main character which will be played by Conor Willis http://thatone-conorwastleyasmedia.blogspot.com/. He will fit the description of a tall broad man and we wont be showing his face so just his physique will be shown. He will be dressed in a Black coat, Black hat or hood, Black trousers or jeans and Black shoes.

This is the script that we are going to follow as we film each scene. this is similar to the storyboard with more detail and how we can plan each scene out. It is seperated into 7 parts The scene and shot number, the description, the time, the camera shot, the camera angle, the dialogue, and the sound. This will improve our organisation and this is how we are going to complete the filming successfully.
Planning Assessment Examples
In groups we had to look at 4 old pieces of work from the same unit as us and grade them according to the correct mark scheme. we had to evaluate their blogs and their final piece. these are the 4 sections that i had to evaluate. I was in a group with Jamiul Azad http://www.rijs-ae.blogspot.com/ and Nicola Ho http://www.nicolaastleyasmedia.blogspot.com/.
Storyboard for Film Opening
Below is the storyboard for Me and Emma's Opening film. We have storyboarded the whole of the opening each scene with comments and camera angles.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Audience Questionnaire (to be finished)
Below is an online questionnaire that i posted to my contacts on a the social networking site Facebook. I asked questions that would help us in the development of our film and questions that the audience we are aiming at could easily answer and give us a guidline on how we can produce and create our film.
More answers to come.....
Risk Assessments Of Filming Locations
Below are the Risk Assessments of when we are filming on location to make sure that we are up with health and safety as this is a public place.
Filming order
Below is the filming order that we are going to film our opening in. We have planned all the scenes that are going to happen on each day and what characters we need which props and costumes set out as we go.
Pitching our film
Below is the presentation that we pitched to the class. This is our storyline, actors, props and Vokis of the main character.
Pitch presentation
More PowerPoint presentations from Laura Jeffreson
Institutions Logo
Institutions Logo
Legend Productions is the film production company we have made up that is going to produce our film. Below is the first mock up of our film productions title and how it will appear at the start of our film.
Denotation: Sunset with the cloudy sky and the rays of light shining through the back of the picture. The Title the same colour as the sun which is off centre and in 2 different fonts. The title is sitting on the sea.
Connotation: The view of the sunset which looks stunning and powerful connotes that the film company is very important and power full in their group. The warm colours and similar colours show that they are very similar and this is a friendly production and makes a range of films. Thick bold writing makes it stand out and this connotes that this company stands out against the others in the film industry.
This Logo below is our final draft and the one we will be using for our final opening.

Denotation: The mountains in the background covered with snow and trees. The lake flows through the mountains and covers a open space. The Trees are very fresh and green. The font is Sitting on the lake in 2 different fonts.
Connotation: The mountains are very tall and take over a big space which connotes to the audience that our film company takes over most of the others and it one of the big film company's. The fact that the title is in 2 different fonts and the word LEGEND is capitalised makes it stand out and you see this first of all which then says that this is the most important film company. The colours are very friendly and this says that this company produces friendly films that are for all ages. The snow is loved by everyone and is very unique and not often seen my many this can be said that our film production company is very unique and loved by everyone as it has a range of genres.
We have come to the conclusion that we are going to use the second Legend Productions Logo as it fits our genre better. It will last 6 seconds on the screen and fade in, and the camera will zoom out from the word legend. We feel this is more appealing to the audience.
Film Title
Below is the film Title logo for our film. Its called This will appear after the Opening has finished and will dissolves in and cuts out. It will last for 3 seconds.
Denotation: The title is on a white background with Black bold writing and blood red outlining. The font is very jagged harsh. There is blood pool underneath the Letter N and the Outlining is very uneven.
Connotation: The blood is very scary and drips of the letters giving the impression of a blood bath. The font is very scary and the white background contrasting the black writing makes the impression of mental homes where everything is white and bland.
Action Plan 5
This week below are the bullet points of what we are going to finish or start:
- Storyboarding our film opening
- Blogging the script and the pitch
- Blog the Institutions and Film Title Logo
- Online questionaire
- Find music for our opening
- Sort out costumes, props and actors
- And finally starting to film on saturday.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Location Scouting
On the 30th October me and Emma gower went location scouting around all the places that we have chosen to film in. Below is the video that we filmed of brief wide shots of all the places we are going to film in.
The first place is going to be The Corn fields in Woodhall Farm. This is a very quiet area and its very vast space makes it easy to film with less people. This is a very dark space with a forest running next to it as well.
The second place is going to be The playing fields in Margaret Lloyd grove hill.This is a very big space as well which runs on from the corn fields so we can link them both together. This also is very quiet and has residential areas next to it.
The third place is going to be a small residential area in grove hill. This is to film the area that is ravenholm and the community area. This is going to be good for when we are filming people out of their houses. there are some alleyways that run through it that we are going to use as well.
The fourth place is going to be the long forest near wood hall Farm. we are going to use this at night time because of the spookiness and mystery of the forest. we are gong to shoot people running through the forest but not dwell on this setting as it makes our film more of a cliche.
The first place is going to be The Corn fields in Woodhall Farm. This is a very quiet area and its very vast space makes it easy to film with less people. This is a very dark space with a forest running next to it as well.
The second place is going to be The playing fields in Margaret Lloyd grove hill.This is a very big space as well which runs on from the corn fields so we can link them both together. This also is very quiet and has residential areas next to it.
The third place is going to be a small residential area in grove hill. This is to film the area that is ravenholm and the community area. This is going to be good for when we are filming people out of their houses. there are some alleyways that run through it that we are going to use as well.
The fourth place is going to be the long forest near wood hall Farm. we are going to use this at night time because of the spookiness and mystery of the forest. we are gong to shoot people running through the forest but not dwell on this setting as it makes our film more of a cliche.
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